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Items ArcheAge (US) Items Ratings and Reviews
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ArcheAge is an MMORPG developed by Korean developer Jake Song (former developer of Lineage) and his development company, XL Games. The game was released in Korea on January 15, 2013, Europe and North America on September 16, 2014. ArcheAge is described as a "sandpark" MMORPG, which the developers say is a hybrid of the open content style of a "sandbox" game and the more structured play experience of a "themepark" game.

In addition to traditional combat settings, ArcheAge offers naval combat in such settings where players have to secure trade routes or engage in sea-land battles. Ships need to be built and equipped with weaponry and manpower and fights can be between players or against sea monsters. Many of the game zones allow for open world PvP. Players can freely attack other players who are members of the other factions (East, West or Pirate). Intra-faction PvP is possible if one player flags for 'bloodlust' mode; the player flagging and attacking in this manner will generate crime evidence and can face jail time. Several regular world events also promote open world PvP, such as the Halcyona War and the Abyssal Attack. The crafting system in ArcheAge is extensive, allowing crafting of, among other things, equipment, food, vehicles, and furniture for the player-owned homes. Crafting grants players "proficiency" levels, which unlock new crafting options. ArcheAge has a pet system with pets being bought as babies and trained to grow into mounts or battle companions. Pets/mounts level up with distance traveled or experience gained during combat. They can be killed in battle, resurrected and suffer resurrection disease which can be healed at a stable. Pets/mounts have equipment slots like player characters.

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