Can I change professions in World of Warcraft Classic? Can I relearn a profession in WoW? How do you drop a profession in WoW? Can you unlearn secondary professions in WoW? If you want to unlearn your professions and change to another, you need to follow this short article!
What are the uses of WOW Classic Professions?
Professions are a key part of WoW Classic, providing one of the primary means of making money, and also offering some of the most powerful gear currently in the game, which in several cases is only available to players with the necessary profession to make it themselves. With professions typically demanding a fairly steep investment of time and, in some cases, money, however, figuring out which ones to take can be a daunting prospect for new or less experienced players.
Types of Professions
Players are allowed to learn up to two professions at a time. Crafting professions allow players to create items in the game. Crafting involves taking raw materials to create items such as weapons and armor. This skill can be used to create items to sell to other players or NPCs, as well as items for their own use. Crafting professions include blacksmithing, tailoring, alchemy, leatherworking, engineering, and enchanting. Gathering professions involve gathering of materials. This profession is good for when players are leveling. They can also sell items to vendors and auction houses. Players can also duel-skill with crafting to increase their profits. Gathering professions include mining, herbalism, and skinning.
How to unlearn profession?
The act itself is extremely simple – you open up your skill menu by pressing K, choose the profession you want to unlearn, then look for a red icon in the lower half of the window, one with a crossed out circle. It’s to the right of the profession’s description. Press it, and you’ll unlearn it instantly. But what happens then? After you’ve chosen your new profession, you’ll start over at level 1. All your effort in the previous one will have been wasted. That’s why you need to think long and hard before doing this.
As you can see, the process is actually pretty simple. In an ideal world, you won’t ever need to do this, because you chose your Profession based on your character and your play style after lots of thought. However, there is good chance that you chose your Professions (at least your first one) on a whim, as lots of players do. Thankfully, Blizzard worked in a way to allow players to unlearn a Profession in WoW Classic, but it doesn’t come without a cost.
In a word, you need to think about twice before unlearning your professions! By the way, do you need to buy WOW Classic EU Gold, we is the best place for you! You can now purchase them with PayPal, VISA, Credit Cards and more!