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Beschreibung des Spiels

The Secret World ist ein Massively Multiplayer Online-Rollenspiel, das in einer modernen realen Welt spielt, die von okkulten Kräften angegriffen wird. Ragnar Tørnquist leitete die Entwicklung des ersten Spiels für Funcom. The Secret World verwendet ein Abonnement-optionales Buy-to-Play-Geschäftsmodell, bei dem die Spieler nur das Spiel ohne zusätzliche Abonnementgebühren kaufen müssen, mit zusätzlichen Vorteilen für diejenigen Mitglieder, die noch ein Abonnement bezahlen.

In the game, the player's character joins one of three world-controlling secret societies attempting to repel, mitigate or exploit the attack of Lovecraftian entities and other immortal beings in coastal Maine, rural Egypt, Transylvania, a quarantined section of Tokyo, a utopian community outside South Africa's Capetown, and (planned) a section of the river Congo; and to advance their society's agenda over that of the others.

The missions come in several varieties. The main plot follows a faction-driven quest storyline. Characters can also take on a main mission, a dungeon mission, faction-limited side quests, and three open side quests. Some missions involve fetching items or fighting monsters; others include a variety of puzzles that are quasi-alternate reality games that require "searching the Internet" for clues with an in-game browser. Investigation missions have players find facts and solve problems, and differ from the hack-and-slash missions. Sabotage missions require players to navigate areas, preferably without being spotted by enemies or automated traps. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap The Secret World Itemsaus unserer Liste seriöser Verkäufer hier bei bleibt Ihre Transaktion sicher, einfach und sicher.