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EVE Online >Tranquility

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Método de entrega
:Face to Face Trade / Auction House

Recordatorio del vendedor

Safe-Cheap and Fast Service ! We GUARANTEE THAT ISK IS MANUFACTURED BY HUMANS, NOT ROBOTS! Delivery methods: We deliver ISK by contract by default, Equivalent items can also be delivered by contract can also send ISK directly Items in the space station, ISK transaction (located at Jita 4-4 Caldari Navy Assembly Plant.) Please contact me for any delivery questions. Delivery time: 10 minutes - within 1hours, according to the order of purchase PS:Because the price of game coins fluctuates widely, sometimes the specific price needs to be based on the current real-time price.
Unidad Pirce 0.0062 USD / Mil ISK
Entrega Speed 15 Minuto
Existencias 50000 Mil ISK
Seguro gratuito

- +
1 Mil ISK = USD $0.0062 
Precio $6.2
Z2U Puntuación 124