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Mortal Online 2 >Steam

  • 총 주문 수: 93
    긍정적 등급: 100.0% (89)
오퍼 ID


배달 방법
:Face to Face Trade / Mail in Game

판매자 알림

A real seller, not a Chinese reseller! Not a Chinese cheater! Delivery only to these cities: Bakti - 0g Fabernum 5000g Meduli 25000g Tindrem 4000g Vadda 3000g Morin Khur 500g  Moh Ki - 500g Hyllspeia, Tokai - write me If the warehouse in your city is 0g, write to me. Attention! If the stock in your city is 0g or less than what you want, then I will send you gold in the city where my stock is large. You have the right to demand delivery to the city you need only if you have agreed this with me before buying. This is a pvp game, I get lost time and gold if I have to work as a courier. Thank you Fast delivery (20 min - 2h) or 6-8 hours when I sleep.  Write to me before ordering to clarify the delivery city. Thanks Meduli, Tindrem, Fabernum, Vadda, Bakti, Moh ki, Morin khur - fast delivery, 15min-1h (6-10h when i sleep) ________________________ Hyllspeia, Tokai - dont delivery
단위의 해적 0.01154 USD
배송 속도 15 분
재고 77800

- +
1 = USD $0.01154 
가격 $5.78
Z2U 득점 110