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Blade & Soul Revolution Mobile is the ultimate triple-A martial arts mobile MMORPG developed by Netmarble which has announced that its MMORPG title Blade & Soul Revolution will launch soon on mobile worldwide for iOS and Android. Crafted by Netmarble using Unreal Engine 4 based on NCsoft's popular PC MMORPG which essentially guarantees that it will have high-level graphics and outstanding cinematic production. It will utilize the same IP as that of the original PC version. Blade & Soul Revolution will support several languages including Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and of course English. As for the storyline, it will be about revenge after the main character Jae-bong who is defeated by the villain Jin-seon Yeon. Players have the option to play as one of four character types. These include "the powerful Gon, the ambitious Jin, the beautiful Yun, and the cute one Lyn". Skill combinations that feel like a fighting game, all players can join the Open Field Faction War in a true community MMORPG. Are you hyped for the game?  To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Blade and Soul Revolution Blue Crystal Top Up service from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.