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Build your dream Cookie Kingdom and reclaim the land lost against the evil that lingers in the shadows. Fresh out of the oven and from the Cookie Run: OvenBreak creators comes Cookie Run: Kingdom! Build a delectable Kingdom while battling against evil dessert monsters! A heroic RPG story that has you teaming up with GingerBrave and some recognizable Cookie friends! Build your team and fight alongside some new and some familiar faces. Battle together in a sweet fantasy adventure RPG to uncover the story of the Kingdom’s past and defeat the darkness that stands between you and building your Kingdom. Enjoy a creative kingdom builder and idle RPG game to become the hero of the Cookie Kingdom.

This kingdom builder challenges you to rebuild overgrown ruins and customize your Kingdom with unique decorations and exciting buildings. Town building is easy, just collect resources for your Kingdom and craft special tools or delicious treats! Decorate your kingdom to your heart’s content in a Cookie Hero RPG. Fight in an epic battle RPG simulator. Unlock new fighting levels and discover secrets of the Cookie universe. Battle against others on the PVP RPG leaderboard. Tap into each Cookie’s unique skills and unleash the perfect balance of power! Play Cookie Run: Kingdom today and start building your kingdom!

To speed up the process of the gameplay & enhance your adventure, you're recommended to buy cheap Cookie Run: Kingdom Accounts for IOS & Android device and for EU/NA/Asia region. is the leading marketplace for trading Cookie Run: Kingdom characters/cookies Accounts (including epic cookies: Snow Sugar Cookie, Vampire Cookie, Tiger Lily Cookie, Werewolf Cookie, Mint Choco Cookie, Herb Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie, Sparkling Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, Pomegranate Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, Milk Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Licorice Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Espresso Cookie, Rye Cookie, Kumiho Cookie and more). Cookie Run: Kingdom Self-drawing Account, Initial Account, Combination Account, Opening Account for Sale now, which are full of treasures, legendary moonlight cookie, lots of epics and rares & gems and crystals, 100% safe, no hack and no cheats! Oredr now!

Cookie Run Kingdom Beginner Guide: Tips to Help you Create New Cookies, Farm Crystals and Resources
2021-03-02 08:47

Cookie Run Kingdom is a new game that released on January 21st, 2021. You may have not experience this gameplay, for starters who want to try it, we list some must-known tips and tricks.

Cookie Run Kingdom Free Crystals 2021: Best and Fast Way to Earn CRK Mobile Crystals
2021-02-24 08:43

How do you get crystals in cookie run? How to Get Free Crystals in Cookie Run Kingdom mobile? Cookie run kingdom how to get crystals fast? If you want to find the answer, then you just need to follow this short article!