Digimon RPG (Korean:디지몬 RPG), previously released in North America as Digimon Battle, is a free to play micro-transaction supported massively multiplayer online role-playing game in a setting based on that of the Digimon media franchise, specifically the Digimon Tamers anime. The game was first released in South Korea, but an English version was released on April 14, 2010 by WeMade Entertainment titled Digimon Battle, which ran for 3 years. The South Korean version still runs to this day. In July 22, 2022 the game was relaunched in North America. To enhance your adventure, you are recommended to purchase Digimon RPG Bits Top Up service via trusted and verified seller here at Z2U.com!
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Selling Digimon RPG Bits in our marketplace is easy, fast and safe. Click the 'Sell' button at the top of the page. It leads to a registration page which requires some personal information to be filled. Rest assured, we have a very strict privacy policy and will never, in any case, disclose your data to any third party - they are only asked for security reason. The whole registration and listing process is completely free. You wouldn't need to pay a penny for that. After you have completed the registration successfully, you can begin to list your products on our website and waiting for the buyers!