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Accounts Forlands Accounts Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Forlands, one of the best Wuxia games is finally been released! As a Martial Arts MMORPG are largely influenced by codified systems and traditions of well-known combat practices. You can find various gameplays, multiple social systems and dungeons as well as cross-server matches and guild wars in the game. Forlands is a must-play game and you can't afford to miss this year!

Full HD Display Spectacular World: Forlands has adopted a number of high-quality original paintings creating imposing and impressive characters. The effect of skill is so dazzling that you can feel the heat of fighting! Perfect Visual Experience Stunning Effect: This game is going to give you a totally fresh experience of fantasy world. Immersive hit feel, simple and smooth operations and a gaming experience beyond PC-game, you can now enjoy all of these in simply one game! Epic World Map: High quality graphic and stunning scenes are going to immerse you in the 3D fantasy world! Fair Gaming Environment: Powerful anti-cheat mechanisms ensure a fun and fair environment for all beloved player! Epic Fantasy Wuxia Style Cool Skills: Epic fantasy Wuxia style, amazing battle scenes, well-designed character images and various skill combinations make this game the best MMORPG you can’t miss this year!

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