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Accounts Sideline Accounts Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

What is Sideline?

The Sideline app is a mobile application that provides users with a second phone number on their existing smartphone. This additional number can be used for business purposes, managing work-life balance, or separating personal and professional communications. 

Key Features of Sideline

Second Phone Number: A separate number that can be used for calls, texts, and voicemail.

Customizable Voicemail: Separate voicemail greetings for the second number.

Text Messaging: Ability to send and receive texts from the second number.

Call Management: Options to route, forward, or screen calls.

Team Number: A shared number for teams, allowing multiple people to manage calls and texts from a single number.

Integration with Contacts: Syncing with existing contacts on the phone for seamless communication.

How to Buy Sideline Accounts at

Type Sideline in the search bar at the top of the Z2U homepage.

Click the ACCOUNTS button.

Choose the one that best suits your demands through the listed Sideline accounts.

Click the Buy Now button and complete the payment.

The seller will send you the account details, including the password and account name, as soon as the payment is approved!

How to Sell Sideline Accounts at

The way to sell Sideline accounts at Z2U is very simple. You should log into your Z2U seller account first. If you don't have one, you can register one with the required information. Then you need to list your Sideline accounts with the prices and descriptions. After doing that, you just need to wait for buyers to contact you.