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3 Product Contain 3 Offers
Master Key PC
from 0.48 USD
Master Key Xbox One
from 3.75 USD
Master Key PS4
from 0.65 USD
5.0 out of 5

Star Trek Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Cryptic Studios based on the Star Trek franchise. Star Trek Online is the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game within the Star Trek franchise and was released for Microsoft Windows in February 2010.

In Star Trek Online, each player acts as the captain of their own ship. Players are able to play as a starship, controlling the ship's engineering, tactical, and science systems by keyboard/mouse or using an on-screen console. Players can also "beam down" and move around as a player character in various settings with access to weapons and specific support and combat skills relating to their own characters' classes. The two combat systems are intertwined throughout the game: away-team missions feature fast-paced "run-and-gun" combat, while space combat stresses the long-term tactical aspect of combat between capital ships. Both are offered in concert with the Star Trek storyline and emphasize ship positioning to efficiently utilize shields during space combat, as well as the player's away team's positioning in consideration of flanking damage and finding various weaknesses to exploit during ground combat. Other aspects of the game include crafting, which in its current form involves using duty officers (junior crew members) to make items, depending on the level of the school (category- such as science, beams, etc) chosen.

If you're the sensible type of player who would rather leave well with RNG, then buying Star Trek Online ships is the better option. STO ships aren't cheap, but obtaining them will help you save money in the long haul. Whether it's the Advanced Odyssey Cruiser you're gunning for or a powerful 26th Century Tier 6 Dreadnaught Starship, has answers for your needs. Best Place to buy Star Trek Online Uniforms/Ships/Weapons/Armor, get the biggest discount today! 

STO EC Farming Guide: Star Trek Online How to Get Energy Credits Fast
2021-05-26 08:42

In Star Trek Online Energy Credits is the main form of currency. But, do you know what are the useful ways to earn EC in Star Trek Online? If you want to know the answer, then you just need to follow this short article!