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Accounts TextMe Up Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

What is TextMe Up?

Call and Text from your NEW free phone number (real phone calls & SMS)

Free Texting to US & Canada numbers and free Calling – without using any plan minutes

Change your number & Add another number & Switch between multiple numbers


Use your phone like your email with TextMe Up’s smart numbers. Add as many numbers as you like and switch between them seamlessly, keeping the different parts of your life together in one account.


● Enjoy free texting (real SMS) to any number in the United States, Canada and 40 countries.

● Make HD voice & video calls from your iPhone or iPod to fellow TextMe Up users

● Share your new phone number with friends & invite them to free Calling and Messaging!

● Unlock Unlimited Calls and Texts to the US & Canada for only make an subscription!

Buy TextMe Up Accounts is the go-to platform for users looking to buy or sell accounts for TextMe Up. With 10 years of experience in the industry, has built a strong community of over a million users, who trust the platform for their needs.

When transacting on, you can be assured of the safety and security of your account purchase. has stringent Trading Protections in place to ensure that all offers for TextMe Up accounts are genuine, and that each purchase is delivered before payment is released to the seller.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach out to the Customer Support team via email or through the platform's messaging system. So, go ahead and browse through the offers on to find the best deals on TextMe Up accounts.