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Accounts The Unseen Accounts Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

About The Unseen

The Unseen is a Multiplayer, First Person Shooter, with the core game mode of One vs Many. Built in Unreal Engine 4 it is set in the present day with real military weapons of today and the 'Many' teams S.W.A.T character profile. There is however a twist of thriller with the fictional Unseen having super human abilities such as invisibility, x-ray vision and increased agility and gymnastics. With the Unseen on the run throughout our collection of rundown themed maps the Swat are always close behind in their attempt to terminate this, mutation, of humanity.

Key Features of The Unseen

●The One (The Unseen) has 'Predator style' near invisibility and special abilities such as increased speed, increased jump, can hold onto walls and X-ray but is limited to only Melee Weapons.

●The Many are a modern day S.W.A.T. style special military team armed with a whole range of modern day guns. Each is equipped with both a primary and secondary.

●Core gamemode of Last Team Standing (One VS Many) with 2 new dynamic gamemodes on the way.

●Deathmatch gamemode for either casual play or players to gain familiarity with the controls and gameplay before being thrust into the action.

●4 charismatic maps that transport the player to a gritty and immersive rundown world with more to come.

The Best Place to Buy The Unseen Accounts

Z2U is the best choice for buying The Unseen accounts because it offers a wide selection of accounts at affordable prices, with secure transactions and fast delivery. The platform ensures you buy from trusted, verified sellers and provides 24/7 customer support to help with any questions or issues. With Z2U, you can find the perfect The Unseen account and start playing without any hassle.

How to Buy The Unseen Accounts on Z2U?

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The seller will send you the account details, including the ID/Email and password, as soon as the payment is approved!