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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
15000 Gems War and Order Top Up
from 70 USD
15000 Gems War and Order Top Up
from 70 USD
Top Up War and Order Gems Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

War and Order is a free-to-play fantasy mobile strategy game developed by Camel Games for iOS and Android where players can raise a massive army and fight in spectacular battles filled with creatures of all kinds. Whether its swords, axes, dragons, or fireballs that pique your fancy War and Order has a little something for everyone!

All types of units will be at your disposal to help you conquer new territories, including Humans, Elves, Orcs, and even Golems! Depending on the battles you’re expecting ahead of you you’ll want to carefully determine what enemies will suit your needs best. Huge, real-time PvP matches will ensure that intense encounters will be around every corner, so being prepared is just the beginning to making sure you’ll succeed.

War and Order greatly focuses on teamwork with your allies, giving players the chance friend, feud, and chat with others from around the world. Allies can help each other build their cities faster, take down their enemies together, and share territorial rights. You’ll want to keep your allies as close as possible if you wish to keep the great bonuses that can come with them.

Have your own world all set in this strategy war game by buying Cheap War and Order Gems. With our War and Order Marketplace, you’re sure to have tower defences and castles that will meet your expectations in order to siege your enemies. We also provide War and Order Diamonds, Resources & Coins for Sale, get the best deals today!