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All sites are packed with awesome features including best-in-class hosting, Jetpack essential features to speed up your site performance and protect it from spammers, and a pre-installed SSL certificate ensuring privacy and safety. If you would like to take your site to the next level, we suggest exploring our upgraded plan options. We currently offer four plans: Personal, Premium, Business, and eCommerce; each is tailored to your needs. Personal

With the Personal plan, in addition to receiving best-in-class hosting, Jetpack essential features, and a pre-installed SSL certificate, you can:

Personalize your website with a custom domain name. Registering a custom domain is free for one year with annual or two-year plans

Remove all advertising

Enjoy 6 GB of storage space

Get access to high-quality email support with our Happiness Engineers

Upload audio files Premium

With the Premium plan, in addition to all of the great features included in the Personal plan plus best-in-class hosting, Jetpack essential features, and pre-installed SSL certificate you get:

The ability to use Google Analytics

13 GB of storage space

Ability to add Custom CSS

Access to high-quality live chat support with our Happiness Engineers with the annual or two-year plans

The ability to monetize your site with ads

The ability to upload audio and video files Business

With the Business plan, in addition to all of the great features included in the Premium plan plus best-in-class hosting, Jetpack essential features, and pre-installed SSL certificate, you will enjoy:

200 GB of storage

The ability to use third-party services, such as plugins, themes, codes, and ad networks like Google AdSense

SEO tools

Live chat support seven days a week with the annual or two-year plan eCommerce

Looking to create an online store? With the eCommerce plan, you get all of the great features included in the Business plan plus best-in-class hosting, Jetpack essential features, pre-installed SSL certificate, and:

Access to premium Storefront child themes

Premium WooCommerce extensions

Integrations with top shipping carriers

The ability to accept payments in 60+ countries

Storefront Powerpack

If you're looking for a way to have an easier time in WordPress, buy Cheap WordPress Premium Membership Top Up service here at one of the best recharge platform and have a grander time in the WordPress! - your one-stop shop for all the best deals in the WordPress Plans service. At, you can rest easy knowing your transaction for WordPress VIP Plans is in safe hands. WordPress Personal, Premium, Business & eCommerce for Sale, shop now to get the best deals on the web! We always audit sellers' reputation and delivery speed, ensuring your buying safety! Shop now!