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Anime Digital Network

Anime Digital Network (ADN) is a Japanese anime streaming platform. Users can browse popular titles in its streaming library. It broadcasts content from media producers directly to viewers, professionally translated into French. It was founded in 2013 and is based in Paris, France.

Anime Digital Network is the best streaming service for anime in European French speaking territories. ADN was launched in 2013 thanks to the merger of Kazé and Kana Home Video catalogs. Through its apps and web site, ADN broadcasts content from leading media producers directly to viewers translated professionally in French. The service is available for free or through a premium offering that allows users to watch ad-free with access to simulcasts series available immediately after Japanese broadcast. 

Why Do You Need Anime Digital Network Accounts?

Anime Digital Network provides free access to some of the content after creating an Anime Digital Network Account, such as for example all the first episodes of series available on ADN. Once subscribed, ADN users can access the entire editorial offering and more features such as HD, VF in addition to VOSTFR , Multiprofile or even offline viewing on apps. A decreasing rate is applied from the end of the first year or the first month depending on the subscription chosen. It is essential for ADN to respect subscribers as well as content creators and rights holders, which is why ADN are committed to applying a fair price for all stakeholders.

Benefits of ADN Premium Accounts

Benefits of ADN premium accounts include: 

Access to new episodes of anime series

HD quality video

Offline downloads

Discounts on merch

ADN is available on smartphones and tablets. Registering for an account is free, easy, and private.

Buy Anime Digital Network Accounts

People who are fond of watching Japanese anime in EU or US can buy Anime Digital Network Accounts to enjoy the latest episodes of anime series on TV or other mobile platforms. And you can also watch the HD quality video of anime series at any time. It is time for you to buy Anime Digital Network Accounts at marketplace in cheap prices.

Sell ADN Premium Accounts

People who have a large amount of ADN premium accounts can become the seller and sell them for money at marketplace. We provide the best payment system and online service for sellers and customers all the time. You will receive the money soon after the orders are completed well.