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AxE: Alliance vs Empire is a mobile RPG for iOS and Android that features high-quality 3D graphics and action-oriented combat set in an open fantasy world. Choose from six playable classes and enter massive 150-player PvP battles in a grand war of survival.

AxE: Alliance vs Empire is a free-to-play 3D RPG available on iOS and Android platforms. Players unite to fight in a fantasy world that is torn by war between two powerful factions: the Galanos Alliance and the Holy Darkhaan Empire. Each faction offers three unique playable classes, including Archer, Titan, Valkyrie, and Mage with customizable appearances. The game features action-oriented 3D combat with unleashable skills, similar to games such as Blade and Wings and Era of Celestials. Explore the game's large open world and take on a variety of quests to collect gear that can be developed into powerful equipment. Fight for your faction in massive mobile PvP battles that include up to 150 players, a high number that is rarely seen in mobile gaming. The game also features tactical 4v4 faction combat and other competitive modes. Its PvE content includes raids, dungeons, challenges, and more that allow players in guilds to come together and take on difficult bosses for awesome loot.

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