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Video Games Bellwright Video Games Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

About Bellwright

Bellwright, an open-world survival game set in a medieval realm ruled by a brutal ruler, challenging players to claim the throne and forge a better kingdom for all. Bellwright offers co-op support and features town building, intense combat, an extensive villager recruiting system, a wrongfully accused murder and so much more.

What Should Players Do in Bellwright?

1.Unravel the Truth and Clear Your Name. With Bellwright, the developers aim to give the story much more of a spotlight as you soon find yourself framed for the accidental death of the prince and punished with the death sentence. Forced to live undercover, you must protect yourself from hidden attacks from unexpected places.

2.Survive, Build, and Prepare for War. The world of Bellwright in the low Medieval times, is a harsh, but not impossible world to live in. Learn to survive, and build a home for yourself and those who are deeply loyal to you. To do so, you’ll need to gather resources, hunt, build, and craft to foster a bustling settlement that can withstand not only the Crown and its Royal Army, but bandits, nature, and more. 

3.Recruit or Conquer those Around You to Become More Powerful. You’ll need to build, manage, and upgrade outposts and towns with recruits, ensuring their resources are plentiful so they’ll be ready when called upon for battle.

4.Lead Your Armies to Victory Alone or With Friends. While Bellwright can be played entirely solo, it also allows you to bring in a few friends! Build and fight together because, as it’s always said, it’s more fun with friends!

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