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Black Desert Mobile is a groundbreaking next-level MMORPG that goes above and beyond what has already been accomplished. Beautiful Sophisticated scenery as life-like graphics from the original on mobile can be seen. Black Desert Mobile features a robust character customization system that allows every player to make unique characters of their own! Everything is customizeable and unique classes with dynamic skills. Exceptional life content, including fishing and taming, along with your Camp to manage and expand. Trustworthy pets and horses to keep you company on your adventures. It all adds up to an immersive gameplay experience that's enhanced still further thanks to the game's social guild, weather changing, marketplace, pets, and town building systems. At launch, it will feature 5 character classes which run the usual gamut of ranged, tank, and elemental units. These include Warrior, Witch, Ranger, Giant, and Valkyrie, all of which can be customised with the game's incredibly detailed character creation system, allowing you to match your character perfectly to your playstyle.Enjoy this and other content outside of combat! Together, you will uncover the hidden secrets of the Ancients through the histories of Calpheon and Valencia. Experience the amazing adventure in Black Desert on Mobile.

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