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Top Up Blade & Wings Gems Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Blade & Wings is an open world 3D mobile fantasy MMORPG for iOS and Android where players team up together to tackle epic bosses, tame monsters, and collect loot. The game takes place on an island where the player takes control one of three unique classes: Berserker, Gunner, and Assassin. The game features action oriented combat where players must individually aim each attack and manually dodge enemies. The core gameplay and look of the game is similar to other Chinese developed mobile MMORPGs such as Era of Celestials or Goddess: Primal Chaos, but unlike those titles, Blade & Wings. Explore the game's persistent open world and challenge dungeons where players can encounter epic bosses, turning them into pets or mounts to collect.

Blade & Wings Key Features: Persistent Open World – Explore a large persistent open world with hundreds of other players on screen at once. Despite having an open world, combat takes place in an instanced battle screen. 3 Playable Classes - Play as Berserker, Gunner, or an Assassin, with job advancements, called rebirths, available at levels 50, 120, 160, 200, 240, and 270, each unlocking a new passive skill and providing bonus stats. Action Oriented Combat – Precisely aim your attacks and dodge enemies in an instanced 3D battle environment. Taming Epic Bosses – Defeat epic bosses for a chance to tame them and turn them into cute pets that fight by your side. Build and train teams of up to 3 pets at once which boost combat power by providing bonus stats and skills. Real-time PvP Combat – Players can team up with friends or guild mates in 3v3 real-time PvP battles. Trying to find a quick fix to instantly get rich in the world of Blade & Wings without the tiresome grind? Have no fear; is here to provide you a safe haven for Blade and Wings Gems Top Upservice. Transact with ease!