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279 Product Contain 279 Offers
Asia Server 50000+ Gems 80+ 6 Star
from 100 USD
Asia Server 50000+ Gems 80+ 6 Star
from 100 USD
4.8 out of 5

BLEACH Brave Souls is a free-to-play, online action RPG on mobile devices based on the original Bleach anime/manga series with cell-shaded 3D graphics, many Bleach characters to collect, fast-paced action combat, over 100 story-driven stages, real-time co-op missions, and automated PVP.

BLEACH Brave Souls is a 3D hack-and-slash action RPG developed and published by KLab Global, the company behind the popular mobile titles, LoveLive! School idol festival and Glee Forever! Experience the critically acclaimed anime/manga series, Bleach, for the first time or once again in the palm of your hands. Play as Ichigo on his journey to save the world from invading Hallows as a Soul Reaper, and meet many interesting characters along the way. Defeat dangerous Hallows with fast-paced, action combat with skills, combos, and the ability to dodge. Collect a large variety of Bleach characters to fight along your side. Team up with players around the world in 4-player real-time co-op or battle it out in intense PVP battles. Customize your characters’ stats in the Soul Tree, equip them, and link them with other characters for even more power. Relive the engaging and emotional tale of Bleach today!

Buy BLEACH Brave Souls account, and start your adventure with advantages you won't have anywhere else! From extra spirit orbs to good equipment, you'll have all you need to start out strong and survive in the danger. So go and get one right here at! You won't find better deals anywhere else.