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Accounts Boom Beach Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Boom Beach is a freemium massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game for iOS and Android, developed by Supercell. It was soft launched in Canada on 11 November 2013 and widely released on 26 March 2014.

Boom Beach is a strategy game that combines attacks on and from other players with attacks against computer-generated bases. The game's storyline is set in a tropical archipelago with the player on an island with defenses and troops (similar to Supercell's Clash of Clans game). Boom Beach combines single-player campaign play as well as the ability to attack other players in multiplayer mode on the same world map. Featuring an expansive world map that expands as the player progresses, the game pits the player against an enemy known as "The Blackguard", a military force who is invading the archipelago and enslaving the locals for the valuable Power Stones found throughout the archipelago (which can also be used by the player to build buff-providing statues). Computer-generated Blackguard bases often appear on the map, and the player can destroy them for resources. Other notable features on the map include resource bases, which improve resource generation when seized and can be contested by multiple players, as well as dive spots where the player can send a submarine to search for treasure provided they've built it.

Always leave in victory by having strong troops right off the bat. Get Cheap Boom Beach Accounts at insanely low prices! With this, you can easily fight against the evil Blackguard with tons of gold and gems to aid you along the way.