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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
21000 Golds Clash of Kings
from 70 USD
21000 Golds Clash of Kings
from 70 USD
Top Up Clash of Kings Gold Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Clash of Kings: Last Empire is a mobile strategy MMO for iOS and Android, developed by the Chinese company, ELEX Wireless. Players begin the game as a leader of an army in the midst of a siege, using their military force to crumble a castle wall and take it over to claim it as their own base of operations. A tutorial then begins, showing the player how to build buildings, collect resources, upgrade structures, train troops, head into combat, and perform research to increase their knowledge. It features gameplay very similar to the popular Game of War, such as its RPG-style Hero, with the full ability to equip a set of armor and head into combat, or its robust Alliance system that allows players to band together and take on massive group objectives for great rewards. Despite the similar name, Clash of Kings has no relation to the very popular Clash of Clans. Clash of Kings Key Features: Build an Empire – construct your city in real-time under the threat of enemy invasion at all times of the day and night. Join an Alliance – apply to join an organized Alliance of players that can offer help with construction times, join in NPC battle events, and fight other Alliances, pillaging enemy player bases. Gear Up a Hero – equip your Hero with a full set of armor to lead in combat. Research Trees – build a College and pick from four research trees to focus on: City Development, Resources, City Defense and Military branches. PvP Focus – scout and attack your neighbors and participate in events for awesome rewards and ranking on the game’s boards. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Clash of Kings Gold from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.