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Contra: Return inherits the essence from the original Contra and adds new elements such as PVP (yes, you read it right), Boss Battles, Daily Challenges, and many more new elements that make it an entirely new Contra experience.

Players can choose to deploy a different hero each game. Each hero can be assigned 2 unique active skills and 3 passive skills that can be unlocked when the requirements have been achieved. Bill Rizer will be given as a free hero upon completing tutorial while the rest of the heroes are either unlocked via using the in-game currency (Diamonds) or as a reward for progressing in story mode. The game has 6 game modes to choose from which includes Story, Challenge, Duo, PvP, Daily, and Arena. The story mode is similar to the original Contra with new bosses and mobs introduced. Challenge and Daily modes are stages which demand certain requirements that need to be achieved in order to proceed. Duo mode is where the player can team up with a friend or a random person and attempt to challenge a different set of stages. Arena is an automated PvP mode that simulates PvP based on firepower and chosen hero. PvP is where the player will face competition from other players to fight to the top of the food chain. Each mode does offer rewards upon completion.

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