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Costco Wholesale Corporation, doing business as Costco, is an American multinational corporation which operates a chain of membership-only warehouse clubs. As of 2015, Costco was the second largest retailer in the world after Walmart, and as of 2016, Costco was the world's largest retailer of choice and prime beef, organic foods, rotisserie chicken, and wine. As of 2019, Costco is ranked 14 on the Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.

Costco has three types of membership, including Executive Membership, Business Membership & Gold Star Membership. Costco Executive Membership contains a free Household Card, Valid at all Costco locations worldwide, Annual 2% Reward on qualified Costco purchases, Additional benefits and greater savings, Extra benefits on select Costco Travel products. Business Membership contains a free Household Card, Add Affiliate Cardholders for $60 each, Valid at all Costco locations worldwide, Purchase for resale, Business Members must provide Costco with the appropriate resale information. Gold Star Membership includes a free Household Card & Valid at all Costco locations worldwide. is the biggest marketplace for trading digital assets online. With over 1 million members, it is very easy to buy and sell Costco Accounts service, including Costco Executive Membership, Costco Business Membership, Costco Gold Star Membership. Thanks to our player-to-player marketplace, this also means you can sell your Costco Premium Accounts for the best prices online!