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Accounts Crave Accounts Ratings and Reviews
4.7 out of 5

Crave Accounts for Sale

Crave (initially named CraveTV) is a Canadian subscription video on demand service owned by Bell Media. The service competes directly with other subscription-based over-the-top streaming services operating in Canada, primarily American-based services such as Netflix, Disney+, Paramount+, Apple TV+, and Amazon Prime Video.

Buy Crave Total, Crave Mobile & STARZ

As of October 26, 2021, all Crave content is now available with all Crave subscription plans. Enjoy thousands of hours of the best series, movies and more. The latest originals from Crave, HBO, HBO Max and Showtime, exclusive access to the entire HBO library, the biggest Hollywood blockbusters, and the best French-language content in Canada.

Crave Total:  Ideal for multiple users across all supported devices. Get the best video resolution, cast to your big screen, download to watch anywhere and watch up to 4 streams at the same time. 

Crave Mobile: Ideal for individuals who primarily watch content on their mobile devices. Get good video resolution and watch 1 stream on web and mobile app only. Casting and downloads not included. 

STARZ (Add-on): Looking to get even more? Get access to bold originals series from STARZ, and even more movies including a massive collection of modern-classics. Available to add-on to your Crave Mobile or Crave Total subscription when you subscribe directly through Crave. Note: The STARZ add-on will reflect the features and technical specifications of your selected Crave subscription plan. Ever since the start of Z2U in 2011, it has been the leading gaming marketplace with over a million members, and millions of trades between sellers and buyers. With a complete roster of legitimate sellers worldwide, there is no doubt that you will find the best deals here on all Crave TV Accounts!