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4 Product Contain 4 Offers
Buy Deep Rock Galactic
from 14.69 USD
Buy Deep Rock Galactic: Deluxe Edition
from 20.26 USD
Buy Deep Rock Galactic: Dwarven Legacy
from 30.92 USD
Deep Rock Galactic - Supporter Upgrade
from 7.34 USD
Top up Deep Rock Galactic Top up Ratings and Reviews
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Deep Rock Galactic is a cooperative first-person shooter video game developed by Danish indie studio Ghost Ship Games and published by Coffee Stain Publishing. After about two years in early access, it was released in May 2020 for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One.

Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player cooperative first-person shooter video game where players work together while exploring procedurally generated cave systems. Players take on the role of four space dwarves assigned to various missions, which include many objectives such as mining specific minerals, stealing alien eggs, eliminating targets, or retrieving lost equipment. These are usually the main objective, required to complete the mission. It is possible to complete a secondary objective (usually collecting other materials or items) to receive extra credits, which are used to improve the player's weapons and abilities of the classes, and experience points, which increase a players level. The game takes place in dark caves on Hoxxes IV, a dangerous planet full of minerals, biomes, and bugs. Biomes are where the missions take place, and range from galactic salt mines to radioactive tunnels.The main antagonists are various swarms of alien arachnids called Glyphids.

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