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1 Product Contain 1 Offers
650 Digi Rubies Digimon ReArise
from 70 USD
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Digimon ReArise is an amazing game with new faces and old friends in this Friendship Digivolving RPG mobile! You can play this gameplay in Global/JP/EU/NA/Asia server. Gameplay with build a personalized Digimon team and prove the power of your friendship in real-time battles of up to 5v5! tamers can take control of their own virtual pets as evil wire-frame Spirals attempt to overtake our own world, go head-to-head in the Battle Park or team up with fellow Tamers against powerful Digimon in Clash Battles. Brand new characters designed and illustrated by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, one of the original character designers from the Digimon animated series! Connect with other Tamers and work toward common goals. tamers can take control of their own virtual pets as evil wire-frame Spirals attempt to overtake our own world.

There are 365 Digimon in the Japanese version of the game. Not all of them are currently available in the Global version, including Agumon, Armadillomon, Bearmon, Betamon, Biyomon, Bukamon, Agunimon, Airdramon, Akatorimon, Angemon, Ankylomon, Aquilamon, Bakemon, Creepymon, Piedmon, Boltmon, Gankoomon, Hiandromon and more!  Find out which Digimon is the best companion for you now!

Rubies are the important currency in this gameplay, which are necessary for you to summon other Digimon! is the leading marketplace for trading Digimon ReArise Digi Rubies. Buyers are guaranteed delivery, and sellers are fully protected against payment fraud. Our traders are real gamers, and we do not support the use of scamming bots. Buy Cheap Digimon ReArise Digirubies Top Up now, and get the best deals today!