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18 Product Contain 18 Offers
5000 Dragon Stone[Lv.1-Android only]
from 23.75 USD

Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle is a free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. Developed by Akatsuki and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it was released in Japan for Android on January 30, 2015 and for iOS on February 19, 2015.

The game includes elements of board game, collectible card game, and puzzle genres. The main game is made up of levels that work similarly to board games, with spots dedicated to items, power-ups, traps, and fights. During the fights, the player's characters fight with an enemy via a puzzle system similar to match-3 games. Multiple orbs of different colors are placed between the player's character and the enemy, and the player can match different kind of orbs to do attacks or use other abilities. The characters with which to fight in game are unlocked via either in-game items or in-app purchases.

To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Accounts from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.