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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
1180 Crystals Evilbane Top Up
from 70 USD
1180 Crystals Evilbane Top Up
from 70 USD
Top Up Evilbane Crystals Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

EvilBane: Reboot is a mobile hack-n-slash action MMORPG that features console-quality 3D graphics and brutal combat with tons of loot to unearth. Progress through the game's voice-acted story to save the kingdom, collect loot, and become the strongest warrior in the land. Players take the role of a disciple of Dominion, a famous warrior who suspects the current era of peace is nearing its end. Attacked by Lucifer while visiting the queen, the player must afterwards travel far and wide across the land on their quest for peace and vengeance. Control one of three characters: Luke, a balanced hero, Khara, an agile assassin, or Vango, a slow and powerful brute, and freely swap between them during the game's campaign to evenly level each one. Take on a variety of dungeons and discover powerful raid bosses to fight as a group, collecting thousands of loot drops which can be upgraded, combined, and limit broken to increase battle rating. Players can also enter the game's arenas or guild vs. guild battles for a challenge, fighting for the top spots on the ranking board. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Evilbane Crystals from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.