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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
11000 Diamonds Exos Heroes Top Up
from 170 USD
Exos Heroes 11000 Diamonds Top Up
from 71.98 USD
Top Up Exos Heroes Diamonds Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Exos Heroes is a 3D mobile turn-based multiplayer online gacha RPG set in a fantasy world with airships and dragons. Players travel a 2D world map and engage in 3D battles while recruiting allies in their quest to find the legendary Dragon Emperor’s sword to lift a deadly curse. Explore a colorful magical fantasy world aboard an ancient dragon airship and team up with other heroes in search of the legendary Dragon Emperor’s sword in Exos Heroes. Take on the role of infamous treasure hunter Zeon, as he travels the five kingdoms in search of the legendary Dragon Emperor’s sword “Exestruk” to lift a deadly curse that was placed on him when he found a mysterious talking dragon necklace. Experience classic turn-based RPG battles where securing victory is all about team setup, strategy, skill timing, and using the right heroes for the job. Unlock over 200 heroes during your travels and form the ultimate team to take on mobs, bosses, dungeons, raids, and other players in PvP. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes with unique skills, Guardian Stone affinities, and different roles in combat such as Tank, DPS, Healer, and Support. Craft items and consumables to make your heroes stronger or fuse them together for a chance to unlock powerful Fate Core heroes.

To amp up your gaming experience, provides players with the easiest and safest Exos Heroes trading in the market today. With our extensive roster of trusted sellers, you can find the best deal for all the Exos Heroes Diamonds Top Up Global/Korea/Japan/Asia for Android & ios platforms you need.