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How do I get the phone verification code?

You will be requested to receive a mobile phone verification code to verify the current operation when you process some high safety factors activities on Z2U. For example: submit a seller application, apply for withdrawal and modify the account binding number.

Before request a verification code from the system, we recommend you double check if you have input the correct phone number.

Generally, when filling in the number on Z2U, you only need to select the corresponding code in the country code column, and there is no need to re-enter the country code into the phone number column.


The same as submitting the seller application: 



******* If you find that your phone number is incorrect when you fill in the seller information, you can click "Back" at the bottom of the right to go back to the previous step and fill in the number again.


If you confirmed that your phone number is filled correctly, but you still cannot receive the verification code, it may be due to the current congestion of the system. We recommend waiting for a while and try to request again in a few hours.

*Some countries and regions may not be able to successfully obtain the verification code due to local policies, sometimes the verification code will be sent to you by phone call.

Z2U has added a new multi-factor authentication method to users as a solution for some areas where users cannot receive email or mobile verification codes. For details, please refer to:  How to setup Multi-factor authentication in Z2U account.

If you still cannot get the verification code after several attempts, you can contact and ask for assistance.

*If you are a seller, please contact:

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