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What is Store Ranking and how to know if a seller is reputable?

To enjoy ranking system, all sellers must be verified by following rules.

-1. Seller is required to submit their clear Photo ID (international passport/driver's license/national identification card) in order to be verified.

-2. Only verified sellers are eligible to be upgraded according to the Seller Ranking system.

-3. Total sales will be calculated at the end of each month, only verified sellers with a minimum of 90% order completion rate are eligible to be upgraded according to the Seller Ranking system.

-4. Sellers opened a shop on may be considered for ranking upgrade.

1. Store Level

Store Level is based on seller's monthly sales. Sellers will be upgraded, downgraded, or remain at the same rate based on the monthly sales target they achieve. Seller who meets the requirement will get store level promotion in the following month. Total sales are calculated at the end of each month to determine the seller's current standings. Sellers will not be downgraded even if they are unable to reach the sales target requirement on the 2nd month. However, sellers who fails to maintain their sales target for 2 months continuously will be downgraded.




L-1.png Bronze 0 - 999 9%
L-2.png Silver 1000 - 4999 8%
L-3.png Gold 5000 - 9999 7%
L-4.png Epic 10000 - 19999 6%
L-5.png Legendary Over 20000 5%

2. Seller Level

Seller Level is different from store Level, it is based on the seller's total sales. 



(Orders Amount)

xin.png Normal I 0 3-7 Working days 16:00(GMT+8)
xin.pngxin.png Normal II 10
xin.pngxin.pngxin.png Normal II 25
xin.pngxin.pngxin.pngxin.png Normal IV 60
5心.png Normal V 150
diamond.png Diamond I 360
diamond.pngdiamond.png Diamond II 800
diamond.pngdiamond.pngdiamond.png Diamond II 2000
diamond.pngdiamond.pngdiamond.pngdiamond.png Diamond IV 5000
5钻.png Diamond V 12000
crown1.png Crown I 20000
crown1.pngcrown1.png Crown II 36000
crown1.pngcrown1.pngcrown1.png Crown III 65000
crown1.pngcrown1.pngcrown1.pngcrown1.png Crown IV 100000
crown5.png Crown V ≥200000

*Cut-off time: We have a time limit for withdrwal each day. All the request out of the cut-off time, will be handling the next working day.

3. Verification

Sellers are required to undergo verification process. The seal of approval will provide buyers the confidence when placing an order from you. Verified sellers will be able to request payment for sold orders and affiliate earnings, create more listings and sell high level accounts.

4. Comments ranking and Statistics

Buyers with completed orders will be able to rate the sellers they dealt with and this gives an insight of the sellers' reputation. The seller statistics will show total and successful orders, as well as how long the seller has been selling at Z2U.
