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Final Contract: Legacy of War is a turn-based strategy MMORPG with gameplay mechanics that are nearly similar to other titles in the genre, like Brave Frontier. Developed by UnlockGame, it prides itself with strong story elements and a rather deep battle system, something that most strategy gamers would want to try out. The game also boasts decent visuals and art style, using an anime-like aesthetic. With that said, is it something you would want to try out? Let’s give it a long, hard look.

Playing the game requires a decent Internet connection, and after you’ve chosen your server, you will then proceed to selecting a character that acts as your avatar. Unfortunately, there are only a couple of choices: a boy and a blonde girl. The narrow choice is a bit of a bummer, and there’s no clear-cut distinction between them. However, the avatar you pick will play as a stand-in in the cutscenes, so be sure to take a long hard look at which one to pick!

Trying to find a quick fix to instantly get rich in the world of Final Contract: Legacy of War without the tiresome grind? Have no fear; is here to provide you a safe haven for Final Contract: Legacy of War Diamonds Top Up service. Transact with ease!