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12 Product Contain 12 Offers
Ghost Recon Wildlands Narco Road
from 30 USD
Ghost Recon Wildlands Fallen Ghosts
from 30 USD
Ghost Recon Wildlands Season Pass 1
from 79.98 USD
Cheap Ghost Recon Wildlands 11530 Credits
from 40 USD
Ghost Recon Wildlands Year 2 Pass
from 59.98 USD
Cheap Ghost Recon Wildlands 23060 Credits
from 90 USD
Cheap Ghost Recon Wildlands 3840 Credits
from 20 USD
Cheap Ghost Recon Wildlands 7285 Credits
from 30 USD
0.0 out of 5

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands is a tactical shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Paris and Ubisoft Milan and published by Ubisoft. It was released worldwide on March 7, 2017, for Microsoft Windows/PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as the tenth installment in the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon franchise and is the first game in the Ghost Recon series to feature an open world environment.

Players play as members of the Delta Company, First Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, also known as "Ghosts", a fictional elite special operations unit of the United States Army under the Joint Special Operations Command. It does not feature the futuristic setting used in Advanced Warfighter and Future Soldier, but instead adopts a modern-day setting, similar to the original Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon. As a result, the equipment featured in the game is based on weapons and gear commonly used by military forces around the world. However, it features some original equipment, such as drones that can be used to tag enemies and show objectives. These drones have limited abilities until upgraded. When completing missions, players can reach the location where the mission starts through a variety of ways. Players can parachute from a helicopter, walk overland, or drive towards their objectives. Players are allowed to use multiple ways to complete objectives, such as utilizing stealth, melee combat, or using long-ranged or short-ranged weapons provided in the game. The game also features outposts that can be taken down by players. Players can grab enemies at close range with one hand for defense as human shields, while using the other hand to shoot. Players can also gain experience points to level up. The playable character can be customized, and loot found on enemies' corpses can be equipped by player characters.

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