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Hearthstone is a free-to-play online digital collectible card game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was first released for Microsoft Windows and macOS in March 2014, with ports for iOS and Android releasing later that year. The game features cross-platform play, allowing players on any supported device to compete with one another, restricted only by geographical region account limits.

Set within the Warcraft universe, Hearthstone is a digital-only, turn-based collectible card game which pits two opponents against each other. There are nine classes: Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Warlock, Mage, and Priest. All classes have unique cards and abilities, known as hero powers, which help define class archetypes. Each player uses a deck of cards from their collection with the end goal being to reduce the opponent's health to zero. There are four different types of cards: minions, spells, weapons, and hero cards. Quests are a type of spell exclusive to the Journey to Un'Goro expansion. These cards are ordered by rarity, with Legendary cards being the rarest, followed by Epic, Rare, Common, and Basic. Blizzard releases expansions of additional cards every four months to increase the variety in the metagame. The game uses a freemium model of revenue, meaning players can play for free or pay to acquire additional card packs or content.

We’ve got the best and Cheapest HearthStone accounts here! Sold by real HS players, our HearthStone accounts come with loads of Gold and Card Packs. You can find some amazingly rare cards and Golden Heroes in some of the offers. All our HearthStone accounts sales/offers are rigorously verified by our trust and safety team.