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Legend: Rising Empire features an unprecedented combination of strategy and city-building where players act as lords with ambition to conquer the fictional continent of Favilla. By leading and arming your people to gather resources and to pillage other players, you gradually develop your empire from nothing but a small village. When your city has been developed to a certain degree, you can choose a faction between Money Empire, Industrial and Warmoner. Each degree has its advantages and allies not only can battle alongside with you, but also be an indispensable aide to your empire with trades, which to a developing town is decidedly crucial. Players have to effectively organize your troops and maximize their utilities. Protect your archers and catapults from the enemy knights, penetrate the enemy’s defense with your own knights or deploy thieves if you want to exhibit some finesse. Join Legend: Rising Empire and have an ultimate experience of strategy and management! Create your own legend in Favilla! To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Legend: Rising Empire Accounts from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.