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2 Product Contain 2 Offers
6000 Diamonds Light Chaser Top Up
from 70 USD
6000 Diamonds Light Chaser Top Up
from 70 USD
Top Up Light Chaser Diamonds Ratings and Reviews
0.0 out of 5

Light Chaser is a Chinese developed mobile MMORPG where players traverse a huge open world to complete dungeons, kill world bosses, and meet others. Join guilds, battle other players and get married in this social focused MMORPG. Players choose between three classes: Warrior, Assassin, and Knight, and travel the open world of Lorraine. Combat is handled in a fashion typical of other mobile MMORPGs, with players using a virtual joystick or tapping on screen to move, and tapping on buttons to use 5 unique class abilities. Cute NPC companions called partners assist players in combat by healing them and attacking enemies, with customizable appearance and upgradable skills. There are multiple instanced dungeons, with co-op and solo play available. There are several different PvP modes available, including Ranked Match, an asynchronous 1v1 PvP mode that is fully automated, and Guild Hegemony, a mode where players battle against other guilds to collect items and get exclusive character and guild titles. There is an in-depth marriage system, letting players marry each other at level 60. Doing content with and sending flowers to another player will build up intimacy points, and after reaching 99 of them, they can propose to each other. After getting married, couples can do special dungeons to get more intimacy points and flowers. There is a weekly flower ranking leaderboard, giving a list of players with the most flowers.

Grinding Diamonds is always time-consuming and rarely enjoyable, which is why many players choose to buy Cheap Light Chaser Diamonds Top Up service directly at Here, all sellers are verified, and you are guaranteed safe and in-time delivery or your money back.