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My Talking Tom is a virtual pet app released by Slovenian studio Outfit7 in November 2013. The goal of the game is to take care of an anthropomorphic cat called Tom (who can optionally be renamed by the player). The player is invited to care for "Tom" and help him grow from a baby kitten to a full-grown tomcat by interacting with him in different ways, such as feeding him, taking him to the bathroom, playing mini games, and tucking him into his bed to sleep when he is tired. Tom can repeat words spoken into the device's microphone for up to 25 seconds using a synthesized voice. Through in-app purchases, in-game currency, or by logging into Facebook, there is an option to visit Tom's friends, or travel around the world. Using in-game currency, various different outfits, skins, and accessories can be purchased to dress-up and customize Tom. To amp up your gaming experience, provides players with the easiest and safest My Talking Tom trading in the market today. With our extensive roster of trusted sellers, you can find the best deal for all the Cheap My Talking Tom Items you need.