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Accounts Onmyoji Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Onmyoji is a mobile CCG RPG where players engage in part real-time, part turn-based combat with characters in the form of cards. With an emphasis on social gameplay, Onmyoji offers PvP, card collection, and a story-rich experience.

Dive into the world of Yin and Yang in Onmyoji, a mobile CCG RPG that boasts a colorful cast of character cards to collect. From wolf swordsmen to fox spirits, summon each card with varying rarities, 3D battle models, and unique abilities. Level up characters and gather resources to evolve them. Construct a team for combat and tackle PvE campaigns and PvP fights. Master the battle system, where players manage a pool of blue flame energy used to command their units. All units in combat are given an initiative value which determines their turn order. Interact and socialize with players near you through Location Based Services (LBS) networking, which allows you to play with those geographically around you. Log in for daily rewards, trek through a story-rich RPG experience, and enjoy professional voiceovers. Instead of having to start from the beginning, just get Cheap Onmyoji Accounts loaded with all the items that you need! From having tons equipment and S-Jade, you can find it all here at