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Accounts Origin Accounts Ratings and Reviews
4.7 out of 5

Electronic Arts (EA) has been in the video game industry for a long time now. In all those years as an AAA company, they've gained a lot of attention, experience, and a dedicated player base. But of course, they wouldn't have been able to attain all those things without producing games and having good player support. And thanks to the growth of the worldwide web, the company was able to come up with a delivery platform for their games, giving their players convenience and value. All players have to do is create an EA Origin account, and voila, they can have access to the hundreds of titles developed by EA.

Origin is home to a wide plethora of AAA titles by EA. So if you want to buy one of their games and save yourself the hassle of having to leave home, or the risk of your local store running out of stock, then this current season is one of the best times to buy from Origin, or buy an EA Origin account itself. This is when some of the best games by EA will be released.

From Battlefield to Dead Space, FIFA 20, Need for Speed to The Sims, and even Medal of Honor: Allied Assault to the ultimate edition of Star Wars Battlefront, Origin has all the essential gaming titles. Join the fun today by getting your very own EA Origin accounts from We provide the best value for gamers.