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Accounts ourWorld Accounts Ratings and Reviews
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ourWorld is a virtual world containing a range of online games and activities. It was developed by FlowPlay, and is aimed at the teen and tween demographic. ourWorld combines an online virtual world with a range of casual gaming activities. Each player has an avatar and a condo which can be decorated. An in-game currency, "Flow", is earned by talking, dancing, eating and drinking, and playing games. Flow can be exchanged for experience points and coins. ourWorld operates on a microtransaction business model which allows players to purchase in-game "gems". Coins and gems are used to buy items for their avatar such as clothing, accessories or furniture. As players earn experience, they level up. This earns them prizes such as dance moves, access to new areas, vehicles, and privileges. Players can also talk to each other, request friendship, gift items, create groups, send and receive mail, participate in contests and give "hearts". In 2013, Popularity, marriage and adoption were among the new features added, allowing wedding-rings to be exchanged and a player to become a child of another. Residents are people who have purchased one of several levels of residency cards, or pay money for monthly gems and special places. There are some "special" items in ourWorld. These may include vehicles, tattoos, mystery boxes, sprites, inventories, residency passes, potions, wings, and ears/horns. Vehicles include skates, hoverboards, cars, skateboards, and jet-packs and the recently added dragons. These can sometimes be earned by leveling up others can be earned any level by gems.

When virtual becomes your reality, you have the chance to make things better. That’s exactly what ourWorld offers. With a host of games & activities for tweens to partake in, it’s the perfect virtual game to immerse in. ourWorld Accounts for Sale now. Buy ourWorld Account cheap via