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Parallels Introduction

Parallels is a software company that specializes in creating virtualization and automation solutions for both individuals and businesses. Their flagship product is Parallels Desktop, which allows users to run multiple operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, on a single computer without the need for dual booting or partitioning the hard drive.

Parallels Desktop enables users to create virtual machines (VMs) that mimic the hardware and software of a real computer, allowing them to install and run different operating systems and applications simultaneously. This is particularly useful for individuals who need to use software that is exclusive to a specific operating system or for testing purposes.

What is Parallels Desktop 18?

Parallels Desktop 18 for Mac

Run Windows and macOS simultaneously on a Mac

Run Windows apps on your Intel or Apple M-series Mac computer

Seamlessly copy and paste text or drag-and-drop files between Mac and Windows.

Optimized for latest Windows 11 and macOS Ventura

Develop and test across multiple OSs in a virtual machine for Mac

Includes Parallels Toolbox – over 40 one-touch tools for Mac and PC

Buy Parallels Desktop 18 Account is a highly trusted platform catering to gamers who wish to buy or sell Parallels Desktop 18. With a decade of experience in the gaming industry, has cultivated a strong community of over a million users who rely on the platform for all their needs. When you opt to transact on, you can be confident in the safety and security of your Parallels Desktop 18 account purchase.