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Puzzle & Dragons is a puzzle video game with role-playing and strategy elements, developed and published by GungHo Online Entertainment for the iOS, Android, and Amazon Fire platforms.

Puzzle & Dragons is a match-three puzzle game, requiring players to move and match colored orbs arranged in a grid. The amount and type of matches determine which of the six monsters on the player's team attack the waves of enemy monsters and how much damage they do. An additional layer of challenge is the acquisition, selection, and improvement of a team of monsters from among thousands ranging from standard fantasy fare, to deities from several religions and mythologies and characters from popular entertainment franchises. Puzzle & Dragons is a combination of two types of gameplay: tile matching and a monster collecting RPG. Players create teams by picking from the over 4000 different monsters they can acquire within the game and then play dungeons where they solve a tile-matching puzzle that determines how powerful their monsters' attacks are on waves of enemy monsters. To enhance your adventure and maximize your joy of the game, you are recommended to Buy Cheap Puzzle and Dragons Magic Stone Top Up from our list of reputable sellers here at, your transaction remains safe, easy, and secure.