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Secret World Legends is the relaunched edition of the MMORPG The Secret World; Legends overhauls the traditional systems featured in its predecessor: including an action RPG combat system, improved graphics, and a new character progression system. Join one of three secret society factions: the Illuminati, Dragon, or Templars, and engage in a war against supernatural threats. Travel across the modern world, from Seoul to New York to Egypt and more, visiting locations inspired by real world horror stories such as a coastal New England town building off Lovecraftian horror. Build your character however you please, in a classless system that emphasizes player freedom. And equip yourself from a vast arsenal of weaponry to fight the supernatural and occult, including firearms and magical powers.

Enjoy over 100 hours of story at your own pace by getting a Secret World Legends Account! Explore the world and unravel the mysteries of the legends. Battle forces of evil in unique missions with ease and style with a strong account.