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Accounts Tencent QQ Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

What you need a Tencent QQ Account?

A Tencent QQ account is a popular instant messaging platform in China. With a Tencent QQ account, you can do the following:

Instant messaging: You can send text, voice, and video messages to other QQ users.

File transfer: You can share files, photos, and videos with other QQ users.

Gaming: QQ has a gaming platform where you can play games with other QQ users.

Online shopping: You can use your QQ account to purchase items from online shopping sites that support QQ Pay.

Social networking: You can create a profile, add friends, and join groups on QQ to connect with people who share your interests.

Mobile payments: QQ has a mobile payment service called QQ Wallet, which allows you to pay for goods and services with your QQ account.

Email: You can use your QQ account to send and receive emails.

Cloud storage: QQ offers cloud storage services, where you can store and access your files from anywhere with an internet connection.

Video conferencing: You can use QQ to host video conferences with other QQ users.

Where to Buy QQ Accounts?

Where can you find a cheap & legit QQ Accounts? Of course, you can only find them on 10 years into business, have built up a fantastic reputation with a community of users that is one million strong. With, the only thing you have to worry about is what deal to choose. Transacting with other players through Z2U's marketplace is safe and secure. Thanks to our's Trading Protections, we ensure that all offers for QQ Accounts are genuine and that each purchase has been delivered before disbursement is issued. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us through our Customer Support, or email.