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The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is a rare and polished gem among mobile ios & android RPGs. A brand-new turn-based RPG! This game is standing out as boasting highly cinematic gameplay and cutscenes, a plethora of engaging features, and a wholly nostalgic experience for fans of the anime series. 7 Deadly Sins: Grand Cross follows the plot of the popular anime. Approaching to combat! A strategic combat system utilizing skill synthesis. Cooperate with friends to take down a giant demon in Death Match mode, and enjoy exciting and diverse PvP content. Explore a vast world beautifully created with unrivaled 3D visuals. Become the main protagonist of The Seven Deadly Sins and embark on a grand adventure.

Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is just like any other gacha-inspired game that is set in the world of the original manga/anime it follows. Collecting currency, leveling up your champions, and re-rolling them is all part of the game. Getting the best characters in the game is really just all about luck. But instead of relying on solely that, you can purchase an account and have those high tier characters right away! To amp up your gaming experience, provides players with the easiest and safest 7DSGC trading in the market today. With our extensive roster of trusted sellers, you can find the best deal for all the Cheap 7DS Grand Cross Accounts/The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Starter Accounts/7DSGC Accounts/7DS GC Accounts/7 Deadly Sins Grand Cross Global/Asia/JP Accounts you need. 7DS Self-Draw Accounts for Sale, these accounts are full of SSR Champions/Characters (Escanor, Red Gowther, Blue King, Red Arthur, Red Helbram, Red Howzer, Blue Meliodas, Green Merlin), Diamonds, Stones, SSR Tickets and more. Purchase now and enjoy the special prices ever!