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Accounts Township Accounts Ratings and Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Township is a free-to-play city-building game available on multiple platforms and was developed by Playrix. Township first became available as an Adobe Flash application on the social-networking website Facebook. The game was released for iOS on February 24, 2012 and Google Play on November 13, 2013.

Township is a game that combines city-building and farming. Players are guided through a brief tutorial at the very beginning of the game. The player begins with a starter town and in order to develop it they should harvest crops, run processing facilities and sell goods. The primary currency in the game is T-cash. Besides, the player also earns XP (experience points) and coins for performing different kinds of actions in the game. Coins are used to buy factories, community buildings, decorations and XP points are used to level up. As the player accumulates XP points and goes through levels, more kinds of crops, factories, community buildings and decorations become available. A player can spend real money to buy T-cash.

Anything can happen on any given Sunday, but why wait when you can enjoy round-the-clock pigskin action? With a Township account, you’ll be all set to tackle even the most complex quests and challenge. Get your own Cheap Township Account today via, cheap, safe, and fast.