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ROBLOX Vehicle Simulator is a one of a kind driving game on the popular online platform ROBLOX. You have unlimited choices as what to do, you can have races, host car shows, fly planes or even go on Yacht cruises! There are tonnes of cars, boats and planes to choose from, and many different customization opportunities, such as adding camber, colouring your car, adding nitrous or even adding working C4 to your car! Starters get to choose from 3 different cars when they start off with, the Subaru BRZ, Chevy Camaro or the Corvette Stingray. Players also get to start with $40,500 cash if they want a new car or to modify their starter car. After this, all players can progress, by simply driving to earn money and add to their mileage. You can also boost your income by racing other players. So, start your Vehicle Simulator journey, have fun!

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