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About Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Game

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is a 2022 action role-playing game developed by Monolith Soft and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. The game takes place in Aionios, where two warring nations, Keves and Agnus, engage in perpetual war with soldiers with ten-year lifespans. The story follows Noah and his two childhood friends from Keves, and Mio and her two fellow servicemen from Agnus, who all gain a mysterious power and decide to cooperate to find safety. Through this journey, they uncover the mystery behind this perpetual war and the nature of their world.

What is Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Game Code?

It's a digital key that allows you to download Xenoblade Chronicles 3 directly to Nintendo Switch directly from Nintendo eShop.

Buy Xenoblade Chronicles 3 CD Key

Buy Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Digital Code - The Standard Edition of the game only features the base game and nothing else. Nintendo has not included any special stuff with it, and this was already expected.

How to redeem Xenoblade Chronicles 3 digital code?

1. Go to the Home menu on your Nintendo Switch.

2. Select the Nintendo eShop icon.

3. Select "Enter Code" from the left-hand menu.

4. Enter the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 CD Key you received from our seller and select "OK."

5. Follow the prompts to download and install the game.